Author(s): Nigar Kadar Mujawar*, Sangramsinh Laxman Ghatageand Veerendra C. Yeligar
The United States pharmacopoeia defines gel as “semisolid, being other suspension of small inorganic particle or large inorganic molecules interpenetrated with liquid”.This is a true phase system, as an inorganic particle is not soluble but merely dispersed throughout the continuous phase1.Thereare various types of gel likehydrogel bigel and xerogel.also organogelis one of the type of gel.Various definitions have followed, sometimes the same author providing descriptions ranging from the most elaborate, stating that a gel, Has a continuous structure of macroscopic dimensions that are permanent over the time-span of an experiment and is solid-like in its rheological behavior, to the more basic descriptions stating that if it looks like “Jell-O”, It must be a gel2