Author(s): Harpreet Kaur*, Saurav Kumar and MS.Rathore
The purpose of the present investigation was to achieve successful delivery especially to colon using shellac as coat over the hard gelatin capsule. The drug delivery system was based on the gastrointestinal transit time concept, assuming colon arrival time to be 6 h. Rapidly disintegratingcapsules containing 50mg 5-FU were coated with different concentration of shellac by dipping method. In order to find the suitable formulation, various formulation factors were investigated through series of in-vitrodissolution studies in buffer solution at pH 1.2 for first 2 h, and at pH 6.8 for remaining hour. The results indicated that C4 is the most suitable formula in the approach of time dependent oral delivery system for colon targeting for achieving minimum release in the first five hours and maximum at the 24thhour. The formulation C4 was then studied with different probiotics.. Gp1 shows a release of 12.14 % in first five hours but, on 24 hours Gp1 shows a maximum release of 98.75 %. So the capsule with probiotc was found to be more effective than without probiotics.