Author(s): KomalTilekar*, PrashantKhade,SujitKakade, Sachin Kotwal andRavindraPati
Cubosomes are the square and rounded particles with internal cubic lattices visible. The discovery of cubosomes is a unique story and spans the fields of food science, differential geometry, biological membranes, and digestive processes. Cubosomes are self-assembled nanostructured particles formed by aqueous lipid and surfactant systems. Cubosomes are thermodynamically stable; they have a structure like“honeycombed” with bicontinuous domains of water and lipid in which surfactant assembles into bilayers and twisted into a three dimension, periodic, and minimal surface, forming a tightly packed structure. They exhibit different internal cubic structure and composition with differentdrug-loading modalities. Overall, cubosome have great potential in drug nano formulationsfor melanoma therapy owing to their potential advantages, including high drug payloadsdue to high internal surface area and cubic crystalline structures, relatively simplepreparation method, biodegradability of lipids, the ability of encapsulating hydrophobic,hydrophilic and amphiphilic substances, targeting and controlled release of bioactiveagents.Cubosome dispersions arebioadhesive andbiocompatible.Because of their properties, cubosome are versatile systems, administrable bydifferent ways such as orally, percutaneously and parenterally. Cubosome structure by means of electron microscopy, “lightscattering”, x-ray and “NMR”, nevertheless fewresearchers have been studying the potentialof cubosome as “delivery systems”. Hydrating a surfactant or polar lipid that forms cubic phase andthen dispersing a solid like phase into smaller particles usually forms a cubosomes. Such novel particles are utilized to encapsulate guest molecules which are either hydrophilic, lipophilic oramphiphilic, due to the compartmentalization of its structure